# 2024 Mar 6 [Mathmagician] I took a quick look at the first draft, you seem to have made similar decisions to what I did for my variant UCI spec. From the miscellaneous questions: how large the numeric arguments can be is actually somewhat important. I had my maximum supported hash size as 2 ^ 32, but that broke cutechess. For multiple search limits, my engine stops once any of them are met. [En-En] Interesting. I dug up the original which has proved very useful for designing my own interfacer. The FSM diagram is particularly invaluable. I'll double-check it a bit later and see if there are any comments I feel the need to make. [Mathmagician] One thing that would be good (if possible) would be a program to test compliance with the standard. [toanth] That would be amazing. But probably a lot of work I guess. [Mathmagician] Yeah, and it might not be possible to test every part of it. [expo] Yes! this is my actual ultimate goal – the thing I actually care about making. And I think it's doable. (Maybe not testing compliance with every part, but with most parts.) [Twipply] SF fails. [analog hors] Obviously impossible. SF passes by default because whatever spec becomes popular must be built to make its behaviour count as correct. [Twipply] "I am the standard" – SF.